




24 March 2015 | By AWID and Sexual Rights Initiative

Recent moves at the UN for ‘protection of the family’ conflict with established principles of international human rights law, including universality and indivisibility. Equality and respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms of all family members is essential to family well-being and to society at large. We must recognize the centrality of the human rights of individuals within family contexts and condemn and effectively act on abuses of human rights that take place in family contexts.

International human rights law clearly sets out the entitlements and freedoms of individuals in family contexts, whereas the ‘family unit’ is not in and of itself a subject of human rights protection. All individuals have equal rights to a family life, which must be realized by the State.

All over the world, various forms of the family exist. While founding a family is every individual’s right, it is a well-founded principle that the family is diverse. A standardized approach to ‘the family’ will exclude, discriminate against and stigmatize many forms of families. 

All members of a family have an equal right to safety and the right to participate in family life on a basis of equality without fear of violence. Women and girls worldwide continue to experience violence most frequently in family contexts. Child abuse, including sexual abuse, is most commonly perpetrated by family members. Persons with disabilities also experience coercion and abuse in the family.

Families must be free of coercion. All women and girls have the right not to be coerced into a family unit through forced marriage and all children have the right to protection from child and early marriage. Every individual must have the right to choose the kind of family they wish to be a part of and the way they enter into the family set up.

Family members must not impose harmful and discriminatory practices on women and children. Families are made up of individuals, any of whom may hold biases that mirror harmful and/or life-threatening social stereotypes. All individuals have the right to be protected from harmful practices and families must not be treated differently from other social institutions or commit violations with impunity. 

Individuals have the right to equality in family relations. The experiences of all women and girls in the family must align with universal principles of equality and justice.