


Take Back The Tech Logo



Take Back The Tech Logo


Take Back the Tech! Campaign on Transparency on Violence Against

Women through Social Media Platforms - Starts 21 July, 2014


With this campaign, we want Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to:

·  Take a clear stand on violence against women in their terms of services

·  Engage with divers civil society to find solutions for safer platforms

You and your network can participate in the following ways:

·  Ask: "What are you doing about violence against women?" Use our questions and tweets to request more information from these companies under #whatareyoudoingaboutVAW or #MujeryViolenciaQHacesTu

·  Rate: Use our report card format to rate social media on various aspects related to violence against women. We'll compile and share results.

·  Share: Have a story about your own experience? Let us know! Tweet, film, post and blog stories. Add them anonymously to our map

·  Demand: Tell these companies what you want. Share your solutions. We'll follow up by sending them crowdsourced ideas they can put into practice.

The campaign kit can be accessed on our homepage in English, French and Spanish. (Right now there are a few links in the kit that aren't live, but they will be soon.)


https://www.takebackthetech.net - English

https://www.takebackthetech.net/fr - French

https://www.takebackthetech.net/es - Spanish


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