


Direct Link to European Commission 28-Page 2014 Communication that it will take no further action on the European Citizens' Initiative "One of Us:"




European Women's Lobby - EWL





Joint press release, Brussels, 28 May 2014 - The undersigned civil society organisations welcome the European Commission’s decision announced today to take no further action on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “One of Us”.

The “One of Us” initiative could have had catastrophic consequences for maternal and global health in low- and middle income countries. In standing firmly against it, the Commission has reaffirmed its support for, and international commitments to, maternal health, family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) more broadly.

“While recognising the importance of the newly-created ECI tool in bringing ordinary citizens closer to the EU institutions, the Commission’s response has taken into account the devastating impact that “One of Us” could have had on the EU’s development objectives,” commented Neil Datta, Secretary of the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development. “I am glad the Commission has listened to the global consensus supporting the 222 million women in developing countries who want and need voluntary family planning simply to exercise the human right to have the size of family they would like, rather than to the religious zealots who organised “One of Us,” Mr Datta continued.

The “One of Us” campaign, spearheaded by ultra-conservative, anti-choice movements, demanded that the Commission cut off all funding for research on human embryonic stem cells and funding for any organisations that are involved in the provision of indirect or direct abortion or “abortion-related” services in low and middle-income countries. This would have had devastating consequences for women’s health and lives and forced women to seek unsafe abortion services. Already an estimated 47,000 women die each year from complications related to unsafe abortion. Nearly all of these unsafe abortions occur in low- and middle-income countries.

“We saw in the European elections this month a rise in support for socially conservative and anti-choice political groups who wish to roll back the progress made on gender empowerment and women’s rights. With its statement today, the Commission has set an important benchmark for EU support to family planning and SRHR,” said Vicky Claeys of IPPFEN. “This confirms 100% the Commission’s longstanding commitment to the ongoing international talks on a post-2015 development framework to replace the Millennium Development Goals,” she added.

In the field of R&D, Pierre Galand, President of the European Humanist Federation said: “By rejecting “One of Us”, the Commission also clearly renewed its support for human embryonic stem cells research which remains one of the most promising fields for regenerative medicine, reproductive health and genetic disease research.”


For more information about One of Us and EHF mobilisation, see here.

Signatories: Centre for Reproductive Rights (CRR), DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung), European Humanist Federation (EHF), European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF), European Women’s Lobby (EWL), and International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network (IPPF EN)

The European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) was created by the Lisbon Treaty in 2010, and acts a mechanism by which European citizens can create a petition and bring it to the European Commission. A citizens’ initiative has to be backed by at least one million EU citizens, coming from at least 7 out of the 28 member states.

The One of Us ECI requests the following:

  • Juridical protection of the dignity, the right to life and of the integrity of every human being from conception in the areas of EU competence in which such protection is of particular importance
  • A ban on and cessation of financing for activities which presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid and public health; this includes a ban on funding for abortion, directly or indirectly, through the funding of organizations that encourage or promote abortion

Approximately 120 million USD in EU development aid is currently spent each year to protect maternal and reproductive health. The ECI calls these funds into question.

The EU’s position is clear – EU development funds to maternal health only goes to fund safe abortion services in countries where abortion is legal. This position has been restated by Development Commissioner Piebalgs on numerous occasions, reflecting aims and objectives of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), the “Muskoka Initiative” on improving maternal, newborn and child health and other international initiatives.


----- Original Message -----


To: WUNRN ListServe

Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 12:34 AM

Subject: EU Development Funding for Women's Reproductive Health at Risk from "One of US" Initiative





Devex International Development Career Forum


Also Via the European Women's Lobby




By Sophie in 't Veld, Petra Bayr - 27 March 2014




Sophie in 't Veld – Sophie in 't Veld has been a Dutch member of the European Parliament since 2004 for the D66 party, part of the ALDE group. She is current vice-chair of the committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs — LIBE, a member of the parliamentary committee on women’s rights and gender equality and chair of the parliamentary working group on sexual and reproductive health and rights and HIV/AIDS. Previously, she was the ELDR group’s secretary general at the Committee of the Regions.

Petra Bayr – Petra Bayr is the Social Democrat Party — SPÖ spokesperson for global development and a member of the Austrian Parliament since 2002. In 2012, she became Vice President of the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development and is a member of the advisory group on HIV/AIDS and maternal and child health with the Inter Parliamentarian Union. Bayr is also a founding member of the Austrian Platform Against Female Genital Mutilation.



The immense potential for women in the developing world to build futures for themselves, their families and their communities is well documented.


Every additional year a girl spends in secondary school boosts her earning potential by between 15 percent and 25 percent. And when they do begin to earn, women generally invest 90 percent of their income on their families.

But in order for women to be these builders of futures, they must be healthy. And women are exposed to a major potential threat to health that men are not — pregnancy.

Whereas in most rich, developed countries, medical support is such that sports injuries and lifestyle diseases are more common than maternal death, for many women in the world, pregnancy may still be life-threatening. Indeed, almost 800 women in the developing world die every day during pregnancy and childbirth — many as a result of unsafe abortion.

The frustrating and saddening thing is that the vast majority of these deaths are preventable. This is why the international community designated maternal health as a standalone Millennium Development Goal — and why the European Union contributed $120 million to maternal health in 2012.

EU funding under threat

However, this EU funding may be threatened by an initiative called "One of Us." This initiative aims to halt all EU funds for any activities that involve the destruction of the human embryo.

Proponents claim that this can include EU development aid for maternal health, since addressing this issue can — on occasion — lead to a need for the provision of abortion services. The effect would be to stop EU funding to safe and legal abortion services and activities that create awareness of these legal services.

The initiative could also have a severe impact on other areas that benefit from maternal health funding.

On the ground, abortion-related services are usually interlinked with other services — including providing contraception, blood transfusions and sexuality education. These services are usually provided by the same organizations, and many of them receive their funding from the EU.

Mobilizing signatories

The mechanism being used to advance this campaign is the European Citizens Initiative — a new procedure allowing EU citizens to organize and collect 1 million signatures to request the European institutions to take action in any given policy area.

Close scrutiny of the initiators and supporters of the initiative reveals them to be almost exclusively ultra-conservative, religious — both Catholic and U.S.-funded evangelical — organizations.

These organizations are attempting to impose their personal religious beliefs on policies governing the general public — or in this case, women in developing countries — regardless of whether or not those affected by the policies share the same religious beliefs.

Having lost the battle against women’s rights in Europe — 25 out of 28 EU member states today have liberal abortion laws — those behind the initiative have had to look for a different way and a different part of the world in which to promote their ideology and advance the anti-choice agenda. And they are attempting to harness the EU — specifically its development policy — in order to do so.

A tragic denial of reality

We can agree with the initiative’s signatories on one thing: We all want to see the fewest number of abortions possible. However, the way in which the campaign wishes to pursue this aim is not based in reality and — rather than reducing it — would result in a great deal more suffering.

The initiative believes that once safe and legal abortion services are denied to women, these women will simply carry their pregnancy to full term. But this belief completely ignores the evidence of what happens in abortion-restrictive jurisdictions and is predicated on a tragic denial of reality.

Indeed, it is based on the same form of magical thinking that believes gay people can be “re-educated” to be straight, or that abstinence is a realistic form of contraception for most people. It also completely ignores the rights of women and denies them a free choice.

Restricted access to abortion

Highly restrictive abortion regimes do not equate to lower abortion rates. For example, in 2008, the abortion rate was 29 per 1,000 women of childbearing age in Africa and 32 per 1,000 in Latin America — regions in which abortion is illegal under most circumstances in the majority of countries.

The rate was 12 per 1,000 in western Europe, where abortion is generally permitted on broad grounds. And women in European countries that do have restrictive abortion regimes have the option of travelling to neighbouring countries where abortion is legal.

Women have always had — and will continue to have — abortions.

When women are denied access to safe abortion services, they will either travel to a place where safe and legal abortion is available, or procure an unsafe abortion. Since this initiative targets the world’s poorest women, the only option for them will be the latter — accessing backstreet abortion practitioners or attempting to terminate the pregnancy themselves.

More than 20 million women — the vast majority of them in poor countries — resort to unsafe abortion each year, usually involving the use of sticks, wire hangers, poisons or inflicting physical trauma. An estimated 47,000 women die in the process — and 5 million require urgent medical attention.

When access to abortion is restricted in a country, centers providing safe abortion services are replaced by clinics full of women suffering with appalling life-altering injuries. Few who visit these clinics will subsequently deny the importance of access to safe abortion in the world’s poorest countries.

The only proven way to reduce the number of abortions is through the availability of modern means of contraception, the provision of family planning and sexuality education. And yet, the One of Us initiative has the potential to endanger EU development funds to these very areas.

Following the U.S. precedent

Those behind the initiative have not plucked the idea out of thin air. They are closely following a policy favored by Republican-led U.S administrations, which ban federal money going to international groups that perform abortions or provide abortion information.

This ban — known as the Mexico City policy — was most recently implemented during the George W. Bush administration as a sop to the U.S. religious right. The legal focal point for One of Us is Grégor Puppinck, director general of the European Centre for Law and Justice, an organization founded by the Rev. Pat Robertson, a U.S. Christian televangelist.

Empirical evidence from the World Health Organization, suggests that the Mexico City policy is associated with increased abortion rates in sub-Saharan Africa.

Contrary to international consensus

There is an international consensus on abortion, which states that where abortion is legal, it should be safe. This was agreed by 179 governments — including all EU member states — at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development.

The One of Us initiative therefore seeks to undermine this international consensus. The initiative is also is totally at odds with EU’s longstanding development aid policy. As one of the leading international actors supporting family planning and sexual and reproductive health, the EU has a responsibility to stand up for these rights. Furthermore, it has obligations to the ICPD process and to support developing countries to achieve the MDGs.

EU aid policy has saved the lives of millions of women and can be considered one of the greatest achievements of the Union.

We know the potential for women to be catalysts for change in the developing world. We know for them to achieve this change, they must be healthy. We know that family planning and reproductive health services — including the availability of safe abortion — is essential to ensuring women’s health. The evidence for this is clear and overwhelming…..
