

Women's Media Center


The Status of Women in the US Media 2014

Direct Link to Full 82-Page 2014 Report:


Gender inequality among journalists is evident across all media outlets and all issues: 36% to 63%.

These findings confirm an ongoing truth that is not just disappointing, but unfortunate for all of us in so many ways. News media are at their best when they call upon the wisdom of all the people whom they serve, when they reflect everyone’s experience and bring in the hopes and dreams and fears of every sort of person. When media are overwhelmingly male (and still, alas, overwhelmingly white), they just aren’t anywhere near as good as they could be."

WMC Board Member Geneva Overholser of USC Annenberg's School of Journalism

The Women’s Media Center – founded by Jane Fonda, Robin Morgan, and Gloria Steinem – has the goal of making women visible and powerful in media. Media influence is one of the most powerful economic and cultural forces today.  By deciding who gets to talk, what shapes the debate, who writes, and what is important enough to report, media shape our understanding of who we are and what we can be.

The problem is that we only rarely use half of our talent and usually hear half of the story.

This report shines a light on the status of women in media and underscores the crucial need to hold media accountable for an equal voice and equal participation.


Introduction and Methods

This report summarizes the most recent available statistical data on:

  • Representation of women in media occupations associated with determining content of news
  • Representation of women in media occupations associated with determining content of television and film entertainment
  • Gender equity in film reviews
  • How women are depicted on entertainment television and film
  • Women and digital news consumption
  • Representation of women for online-only sites and in video games
  • Recommendations to news organizations, producers and interview bookers

The Status of Women in the U.S. Media 2014 report consists of a meta-analysis of stories, studies, data and issues that affect women and media. The author compiled, reviewed and analyzed the latest quantitative and qualitative data and research on women and media, and conducted interviews.
