





Doctor Michele Dayras
President of SOS Sexism


PLEASE SIGN PETITION: http://www.change.org/fr/pétitions/rape-as-a-weapon-of-war-in-the-drc-appeal-for-the-creation-of-an-international-criminal-tribunal-for-the-democratic-republic-of-congo




Declaration of Women Sponsors

On the Systematic Use of Rape as a Weapon of War in the Democratic Republic of CONGO

And Appeal for the Establishment of an INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL


In succession to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda [ICTR], Based in Arusha, Tanzania.


Photo de couverture


- Mr. François HOLLANDE. President of the French Republic

- Mr. Barack OBAMA. President of the United States of America

-Mr Joseph Kabila President of the Democratic republic of Congo

-The Security Council of the United Nations (Presidency in exercise)

-Mr. Ban KI-MOON. Secretary-General of the United Nations

-Mr. Van ROMPUY. President of the European Council

-Mrs. Nkosazana DLAMINI-ZUMA.  President of the Commission of the African Union

-Mr. Abdou DIOUF. Secretary General of the International Organisation of ‘La Francophonie’

-Mrs. ROBINSON. U N Special Envoy to the Great Lakes region.


PETITION: http://www.change.org/fr/pétitions/rape-as-a-weapon-of-war-in-the-drc-appeal-for-the-creation-of-an-international-criminal-tribunal-for-the-democratic-republic-of-congo


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The unspeakable horrors set out in the UN   ‘Mapping Report’ covering atrocities committed in the DRC between 993-2003, continue to take place without interruption, particularly to the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Rape, which is a WAR crime and a Crime against Humanity, continues to be systematically used as a weapon of war against women, young girls and even children, particularly in Eastern Congo.  

At ICTR, (Akayesu Judgment, 1998) the Judges found that, rape and sexual assault constitute acts of GENOCIDE in so far as they are committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a targeted group, as such.   At ICTY, (Kunarac et al, 2001) the Judges found that, an act of rape was considered as one of the underlying acts for the crime of Enslavement. 

Yet, the perpetrators of such heinous crimes in the DRC have continued apace, with impunity, since 1994.

We, the People of the United Nations, must now call ‘STOP’!


As Sponsors of this Appeal, we cannot think of such outrages upon human dignity as suffered daily by the women, young girls and children of Eastern Congo, without the deepest sorrow piercing our hearts.

We cannot convince ourselves that one can make use of the strategic resources of the Congo without being greatly disturbed, if one reflects on the fact that, they are sprinkled with the blood of our fellow human beings, to whom we feel so closely bound by ties of humanity and womanhood and knowing that they are being treated more harshly than beasts of burden.

It is to be feared that future generations, well educated and more informed will accuse the French, Europeans and Americans of this century, of having been complicit in this barbarity, which is so at odds with the universal values on which we have sought to establish our humanity.


Consequently, our collective conscience dictates that we:  

Beg of every  humane person who condemns the sub-human treatment of the women, girls, young children and their families of Eastern Congo, to sign our Appeal addressed to Presidents;  Hollande, Obama, Dlamini-Zuma,  Van Rompuy,  Nkosazana,  to the Secretaries General,  Ban KI-Moon and Abdou Diouf, as well as the Presidency for the time being of the Security Council of the United Nations,  so that these victims may become entitled to the same rights to life, dignity and justice as we enjoy and that an end be swiftly brought to the IMPUNITY enjoyed by the perpetrators.   Only an International Criminal Tribunal for the Democratic Republic of Congo can accomplish this and also decide on appropriate punishment in an exemplary, just and fair judicial process, justice must not only be done - it must be SEEN to be done.

When the Security Council closes the doors of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and those of the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the perpetrators of such heinous crimes in the DRC as set out in the ‘Mapping Report’ must be called to account.

Therefore, we ask

i)                  The Security Council of the United Nations and the Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-Moon to establish, without delay, an international criminal tribunal for the DRC, on the footprint of the ICTR in Arusha, Tanzania, to prosecute all crimes listed in the United Nations  ‘Mapping  Report’ and those committed since then.

ii)                 President Obama to honour his ‘Nobel Prize’ by adopting in the region, a policy that takes into account the dignity and humanity of these women, young girls and children.

iii)                Secretary General  Abdou Diouf, to actuate the values of the ‘Francophonie’ that many of us share, to defend en block, these victims, by supporting this Appeal.

iv)                Madam President  Zuma, to tap into the wisdom and African humanity to find the necessary determination to condemn the outrages upon personal dignity perpetrated on these women of Eastern Congo and to strongly support this Appeal to the Security Council.

v)                         President Van Rompuy, to refocus European diplomacy on the values that underpin Europe,  to convince members to refrain from any support in any form whatsoever or any  guarantee of impunity to the perpetrators and to invite Member States to support this Appeal.

vi)                Mr. Ban Ki-Moon and Mrs Robinson, to include  among their  priorities, a lasting peace settlement for the region and the establishment of an International Criminal Tribunal for the Democratic Republic of Congo on the footprint of the ICTR, at Arusha.

vii)               The Leaders of the free world, regardless of the country or institution they serve, to stop all encouragement to and remove all benefits, privileges and immunities from, the perpetrators.

viii)              President Hollande and Heads of Member States of the Security Council of the UN, to instruct their Ambassadors sitting on the Security Council, to bring to the agenda and repeat, week after week, the urgent need to establish an International Criminal Tribunal for the DRC in quick succession to the ICTR at Arusha.

ix)                       President Kabila, to launch an immediate application to the UN for the establishment of an International Criminal Tribunal for the DRC

Not to do this, is discriminatory against all Congolese females.   Silence or inactivity would be a gross miscarriage of justice and might be misconstrued as an international aid to femicide /genocide.  


After publication of the ‘Mapping Report’ and the other multitude of Reports since then on the horrendous suffering of the women, young girls, children and families of Eastern Congo, no one is entitled to claim to have  ‘seen nothing’, ‘known nothing’  nor ‘heard anything’.

We are convinced that an International Criminal Tribunal for the DRC is the most effective way to prise those women, girls and children from the clutches of those who commit sexual terrorism upon them -daily and to effectively put an END to IMPUNITY for all those who have and continue to, use rape as a strategic weapon of war and enslavement of the peoples of the Republic of Congo and elsewhere. 

Time is of the essence for all those long-suffering women. Let us recall the profound words of the Irish Political Philosopher, Edmund Burke, who said “All it takes for evil to triumph, is for good men (and women) to do nothing”    (italics ours)


Signed in Paris by us, the under listed 52 Women Sponsors of this Appeal, from May 14th to June 30th, 2013.

1-Françoise Héritier Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, College of France, 2-Mireille Delmas Marty. Professor Emeritus of Law, College of France, 3-Monique Chemillier-Gendreau Professor Emeritus of Law, University of Paris, Diderot,  4-Evelyne  Accad Professor Emeritus, Lebanese American University of Illinois, 5-Yvonne Knibiehler Professor Emeritus of History, University of Aix-en-Provence, 6-Andrée Michel Sociologist. Honorary Research Director at CNRS, 7-Camille Lacoste-Dujardin             Ethnologist. Director Emeritus of research at CNRS, 8-Jacqueline Berenstein-Wavre, Politician (Swiss).  Former President of the Grand Council of   Geneva. 8-Gisèle Halimi Politician. Lawyer. President of the Association of ‘Choose the cause of Women, 10-Roselyne Bachelot Politician.  Several times Minister.   TV Columnist. 11-Rama Yade Politician. Former Secretary of State and Former French delegate to UNESCO.  12-Ingrid Betancourt Politician. Presidential candidate in the Columbian elections of 2002, Hostage for 6 years, 13-Françoise Gaspard Politician.  Sociologist. Former Mayor of Dreux. UN Expert. 14-Geneviève Fraisse Philosopher. Historian on feminist thought.  Former Interministerial Delegate for  Women’s Rights, 15-Véronique Nahoum Grappe Anthropologist. Researcher at the EHESS. 16-Marie-Joseph Bertini.University Professor. Philosopher. Essayist. 17-Marie-Odile Bertella Geffroy Magistrate.  Vice-President of the Court  of Paris 18-Linda Weil-Curiel18. Lawyer.  Specialist on female circumcision. 19-Christiane Gillmann Honorary Advocate.  Member of the National Council  of  A.F.P.S. 20-Agnès Casero  Lawyer, 21-Sylvia Geraghty (IRELAND) Lawyer.   Listed Lead Counsel of the International Criminal Court; The Special Tribunal for Lebanon; and The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. 22-Evelyne Morin-Rotureau Historian.  Specialist in the history of Women. 23-Michèle Dayras  Medical Doctor.  Former Chief Physician in radiology.  President and founding member of SOS Sexism.24-Marie Vogel Lecturer at the ENS of Lyon. 25-Jules Falquet  Lecturer in Sociology, University of Paris Diderot 26-Françoise Dubocq Environmental activist, 27-Susan George Writer.  Global Justice  activist.  Honorary President of ATTAC, 28 Marie-Ange Poyet Director, 29-Florence Montreynaud Writer. Feminist. Co-founder ‘Watch Dogs’  and  ‘Zéromacho’, 30-Marlène  Tuininga Journalist.  Writer. President of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) 31-Christiane Passevant Journalist Radio Columnist, 32-Monique Perrot-Lanaud Journalist. Former President of the Association of Women Journalists, 33-Natacha Henry Journalist.   Essayist.   Writer, 34-Patricia Cost. Journalist.  Reporter, 35-Nelly Trumel Artist (Painter).  Founder of the programme  ‘ Free Woman’  on libertarian radio, 36-Marie Hélène Le-Ny  Photographic Artist. 37-Marie Ponchelet Plasticine Artist. Exposition on wars, 38-Sarah Kala Lobé Research Psychologist. Co-founder of CIAD, 39-Thérèse Clerc Founder of the ‘Women’s House’ of Montreuil and of the Babayagas Association, 40-Françoise Picq Political Scientist. Feminist scholar, 41-Roselyne Rollier President of the ‘Women’s House’ of Montreuil. 42-Oristelle Bonis Editor, 43-Roseline Tiset Professor and Human Rights Activist. 44-Monique  Minaca.               Urbanist Architect.  Co-Editor of the European Charter of Women in the City. 45-Suzanne Horer     Writer, 46-Sigrid Niedermayer Former International co-ordinator of the UNESCO Associated Schools. 47-Isabelle Vassas                Moderator of the feminist Associations.  Member of the French  Association  of  University Women Graduates 48-Béatriz  Velez Anthropologist,  sociology of sport (Canada), 49-Arlette Braquy Former Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of social issues. 50-Yveline Nicolas Coordinator of (Adéquations) a NGO’s engaged in Human Rights, Gender equality and international solidarity, 51-Jackie Buet  Director of the International festival of Women’s Films, 52-Annie Lahmer Politician.  Feminist.      
