

Full Amnesty International 56-Page Report to UN Human Rights Committee for consideration during Review of the Report of IRAN:



UN Human Rights Committee 103rd Session: Scroll down to IRAN.


The Human Rights Committee is the body of independent experts that monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by its State parties.




Extensive Section on: Discrimination Against Women in Law & Practice


Amnesty International is calling on the Iranian authorities to:


Immediately and unconditionally release anyone held solely for freely and mutually

agreed sexual relations and review all relevant legislation to ensure that no one may be held

solely on such grounds;


Ensure that men and women have full equality in contracting marriage, and that no one

should enter marriage except on the basis of his or her free choice and with his or her full

agreement, including by raising the age of marriage for girls, and to equalize it with that of

boys at an age at which they can be expected to express free and full agreement to marry and

by prohibiting the practice of plural marriage in Iran;


Ensure there is complete clarity over the requirements for contracting and registering

temporary marriages and to ensure that temporary marriage cannot be used to circumvent the

prohibition on early and forced marriage;


Ensure that the laws provide for equal rights in law to men and women in initiating and

obtaining a divorce and in divorce settlements;


Ensure that women and men have equal rights in decision-making regarding the future of

their children at all ages, taking the best interest of the child as primary consideration, and

that decisions regarding custody are taken in all cases by qualified individuals who are

obliged to act in the best interests of the child and without discrimination;


Ensure that men and women enjoy equal access to employment and that wives cannot be

prevented from seeking employment by their husbands.


Abolish nationally enforced dress codes which have a discriminatory impact on women

and repeal all laws imposing requirements that individuals dress or do not dress in a certain

way (unless the restrictions imposed are only such as are demonstrably necessary and

proportionate for a legitimate purpose, as stipulated under international human rights law,

and are not discriminatory) and to take effective measures to protect women from violence,

threats, or coercion by family members, community or religious groups or leaders in order to

compel them to wear particular forms of dress;


Revise the law to include a separate offence of rape in the Penal Code, which does not

allow the imposition of the death penalty. This provision must be in line with current

international criminal law provisions, in particular the Elements of Crimes of the InternationalCriminal Court, and existing international human rights law and standards on equality and physical and mental autonomy. The criminal law should define rape and other forms of sexual violence as sexual conduct in any instance in which the agreement of the woman or girl involved is not truly and freely given. Freely given agreement is agreement without force, threat of force, or coercion of any kind. Prosecutors should be instructed to take cases forward even in the absence of a complaint by the individual concerned, if there is other

evidence to indicate that a rape or act of sexual violence has occurred.


Ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

(CEDAW) and, in accordance with Article 5(a) of CEDAW, take measures to modify social and

cultural patterns of conduct of men and women, with a view to eliminating prejudices and

practices based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either sex or on stereotyped

gender roles.