




11 July 2011 - Fiji Women's Crisis Centre

Website: http://www.fijiwomen.com/



Press Release - The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre has hit out at comments by Ellen Whippy that models need to be “tall and slim” and said that her attempt to compare the demand for a particular size in modelling to the need for fitness in rugby is not only misleading but irresponsible.

“These comments are not only irresponsible but they promote an ideology that is detrimental to women and girls,” said Shamima Ali, Coordinator of FWCC.

“If we analyse the modelling profession, 20 years ago models weighed around 8% less than the average woman, now models weigh around 23% less than the average woman. These requirements that Ellen Whippy is alluding to is not only promoting a false reality, it is dangerous in that it is placing an emphasis on the “unattainable” said Ali.

“The reality that those who promote modelling overlook is that young women and girls will skip meals and over exercise to degrees that could lead to eating disorders and this is the reality the world over,” said Ali.  The FWCC says that the continuous stream of unrealistic and unattainable images that women are exposed to every day affects their self esteem and self image.

“To say that women have to be a certain size to fit into a dress to make other women want to buy the dress means – that those who model will starve themselves to ensure that they can retain their jobs and those who want to “buy” the dress will also starve themselves so they can hopefully fit into the dress. This is the multiplier effect around the issue of portrayal of women in the media”, said Ali.

Ali says it is also irresponsible to compare fitness needed for rugby with the need for the slimness needed in modeling. “Sports actually work as a source of empowerment and the requirements are fitness and health which means healthy wholesome meals which very often models are discouraged from having”, said Ali.

The FWCC says that unlike in sports like rugby where talent, ability and fitness are the particular qualities on which selection is based, modelling promotes a particular image of size, skin colour, hair style, age etc which means that women will actually go to various lengths to attain this particular look.

“What is really dangerous is that we have a lot of prepubescent girls who are trying to emulate these models and the false reality that those in fashion industry try to create and this is damaging not just to their health but their self-esteem as well”, said Ali.

“We as a society really need to question – what is wrong with the average woman? What is wrong with the Pacific reality of large voluptuous women? Why do we need to promote an image that is less than 5% of the population and say that the 95% does not fit into the dictated image of beauty? We can define our own concepts of beauty and this is what we need to inculcate in our young people – that they are beautiful as they are and not measure themselves by what they see in the magazines and now unfortunately in the local newspapers”.


Fiji Times Online - http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?ref=archive&id=174607


Samisoni Nabilivalu
July 09, 2011

MODELS have to be tall and slim if companies have any intention of selling their dresses, says Fiji Fashion Week Director, Ellen Whippy.

Ms Whippy made these comments during a recent photo shoot for Kookai Australia at the Sigatoka sand dunes.

When asked if weight was going to be an issue for Fiji Fashion Week 2011 models, she said that it would always be a topic of debate.

"The dress has to look good for it to sell and in order for the dress to look good your models need to meet the requirements of today's fashion trends where tall and slim is the new look," said Ms Whippy.

Since its inception in 2008, Fiji Fashion Week has drawn both the applause and ire of locals in that while it did help to raise the profile of Fiji's fashion industry, it was also accused of promoting anorexia among aspiring models.

Ms Whippy, never one to shy away from confrontation, believes fashion pundits, critics, observers and commentators need to be realistic when expressing views on the matter.

"You can't sell a dress if the models are fat just like you can't have unfit people playing professional rugby," she said.

"Modelling is a job like any other and the requirements for today's models are that they are tall and slim."

Ms Whippy was also full of praise for the managing director of Kookai Australia, Robert Cromb whom she described as an avid supporter of Fiji Fashion Week.

"He has been very supportive of our work and not only has he been showcasing pieces from the Kookai line at our shows but he also provided the prize for the most promising designer of the year," she added.