

World AIDS Day on December 1 is intended to draw together people from around the world to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and demonstrate international solidarity in the face of the pandemic, according to the World Health Organization.




Direct Link to 100-Page Report: AIDS Epidemic Update 2009:




Global facts and figures (pdf, 50kb)
French | Spanish | Russian

Asia (pdf, 50kb)
French | Spanish | Russian

Sub-Saharan Africa (pdf, 50kb)
French | Spanish | Russian

Caribbean (pdf, 50kb)
French | Spanish | Russian

Eastern Europe and Central Asia (pdf, 50kb)
French | Spanish | Russian

Latin America (pdf, 50kb)
French | Spanish | Russian

Middle East and North Africa (pdf, 50kb)
French | Spanish | Russian

North America, Western and Central Europe (pdf, 50kb)
French | Spanish | Russian

Oceania (pdf, 50kb)
French | Spanish | Russian




Women, Girls, HIV/AIDS

Women comprise about half of all people living with HIV worldwide. In sub-Saharan Africa, where the epidemic is worst, they make up an estimated 57% of adults living with HIV, and three quarters of young people living with HIV on the continent are young women aged 15-24. So in order to curb the HIV epidemic it is vital to address women’s needs for HIV prevention, treatment and care.

Reversing the underlying socioeconomic factors contributing to women’s HIV risk– gender inequality, poverty, lack of economic and educational opportunity, lack of legal and human rights protections – is critical for success.

More on women and girls
More on gender
More on The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA)
Global coalition of women and AIDS works at global and national levels to highlight the effects of AIDS on women and girls and to stimulate concrete and effective action to prevent the spread of HIV.



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