



USA - Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking - Video, Report, Fact Sheet +

For the last decade Shared Hope International has been combating sex trafficking around the world, advocating for enhanced legislation, and furthering victim identification and access to services. In April 2006, Shared Hope International partnered with ECPAT-USA and The Protection Project of Johns Hopkins University School for Advanced International Studies, to host the U.S. Mid-Term Review on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in America. During the two-day conference several key issues were discussed, including:

For a complete copy of the Report from the U.S. Mid-Term Review on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in America, click here.

In an ongoing effort to respond to the findings of the U.S. Mid-Term Review, SHI is pleased to provide the following educational materials. The goal of these materials is to provide a baseline understanding of domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) to task force members and first responders working in the field. The goal is to facilitate increased victim identification and access to services. Please click on the following materials to download your copy:

Domestic Minor Sex Educational Video



Scroll to Video & Click Arrow.

To receive a complete educational packet, please e-mail Melissa Snow at Melissa@sharedhope.org.



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