image of "Heart of Healing"

"Heart of Healing" 

© 2004, Rita Loyd
Healing is possible

when we can gently and compassionately
go inward
and honestly
examine, explore, question and understand
who we are.

by Rita Loyd



Rita Loyd - Artist & Writer - USA
"The message of my work is: Nurture self love in order to heal.
I am working with women's abuse centers and they have asked me to create line drawings of my art for them to use in art therapy settings. I will donate my line drawings to women's abuse centers and invite them to contact me at: ritaloyd@nurturingart.com

My line art is like a stepping stone to introduce clients to the concept of healing art. Before the client is asked to create their own expressions of art, they are first asked to color in my line drawings. Before coloring in my line drawings, a therapist might show all 8 images to their client and allow the client to choose the image that speaks most  to them. And then the message in that chosen drawing is discussed by the therapist and client. Next, the client colors in the drawing any way she chooses.
I will also donate a DVD called "In search of self love." It tells the story of how the creative process taught me to love myself. As I tell my story, I paint the image - Embrace all that you are with love."
Rita Loyd - USA

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