
Women, War, Peace and

The often cited statistic that as many as 80 per cent of displaced populations are women and children fails to convey the complete devastation that displacement visits upon women and communities in general. Leaving homes, property and community behind, renders women vulnerable to violence, disease and food scarcity, whether women flee willingly or unwillingly. Internally displaced women face additional dangers as they are often invisible to the international community within the borders of countries at war. Camps for refugees and the internally displaced have been criticized for not addressing women’s needs and concerns in their design and procedure. __________________________________________________________________________

Consider for Internally Displaced Women & Girls.
The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)
Internal Displacement: Global Overview of Trends and Developments in 2006 (April 2007)
Yearly report on major global, regional and thematic developments in the field of internal displacement.

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